
Prayers for World Peace

The Purpose & Power of Prayer

Sunday, April 3rd | 10:30am—12pm

with Kadam Lucy James


This class is FREE for everyone!
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*Limited space, must preregister for in person

Special Class for World Peace on April 3, 2022

Prayers for World Peace—The Purpose and Power of Prayer

At the suggestion of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, a special Prayers for World Peace was recently held at Manjushri KMC to pray for peace in the world at this time; and Kadampa Centers have been encouraged to keep doing these prayers.
Faced with the global instability and suffering, we are at a crossroads -- humanity is either going to fall down a hole or it’s going to have to walk intentionally through a door – learning to do things in a different way because the old ways are evidently inadequate. 

In particular, right now we need to be praying. When opening one of the international temples for world peace, Venerable Geshe-la said:

“Nowadays, we can see in the world so many problems, people experiencing so many difficulties. Storms, famines, floods, incurable diseases, wars, earthquakes, etc. People are asking me, what should we Buddhists do to help these problems? I replied our job is to pray. We pray for these obstacles to be pacified. We pray for people to pacify their negativity, wrong views, their extreme views. We pray for everybody to become friends, to have harmony, good relationships, to pacify their wrong views of selfish intention. This is our job. I believe it is the best method to help. Our prayers work for three reasons. First is our pure intention. Second, the power of the prayers themselves. Third, the powerful blessings of the holy beings." ~ Geshe Kelsang, New York, 2006.

With this in mind, for the next 3 months we are going to engage in short contemplative prayers dedicated to world peace during each Sunday meditation class. In this free event on April 3rd, Kadam Lucy will explain the purpose and the power of prayer so that we can gain confidence in how it works; and she will guide us through this Prayers for World Peace practice. 

Everyone is welcome, whatever your background or religion. Prayers work for everybody.

Kadam Gerry Donovan

Resident Teacher of Mahamudra Kadampa Meditation Center

Kadam Gerry has been practicing under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche since 2006. He has studied for many years in the Foundation and Teacher Training Programs and completed the six month intensive teacher training program at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre in England. Kadam Gerry has served as Admin Director and taught for many years in New Bedford, MA and Providence, RI.

He has personally felt the great benefit of dharma practice in his own life and gives accessible teachings in a lighthearted way.

Kadam Gerry teaches Sunday Morning, Tuesday Evening, Wednesday Mid-Day, Saturday mini-retreats as well as our more in-depth study classes; Foundation Program and Teacher Training Program. He also guides Saturday Mini-Retreats, Foundation Retreats, and Special Events throughout the year.

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