
Tuesday Drop-in
Meditation Class

Tuesdays | 7:00-8:15pm
with Resident Teacher Gen Tsoglam

A Good Heart Always Brings Good Results

Love really is the answer. It is the real method to solve our own inner problems – problems of  depression, anger, ignorance, and so forth – and is also a reliable method to benefit others practically. If we cherish everyone we meet or think about, there will be no basis for developing jealousy, impatience or other harmful thoughts, and our mind will be comfortable and at ease with everyone.

Pure, or authentic, love  is a deep and compelling experience that springs from the wisdom of interdependence and selflessness. It always gives rise to peace, happiness and fulfillment, and brings immense benefit to others. However, it is wisdom alone that can unlock the vast potential for love that lies within each of us.

Include guided meditation, a practical teaching, and Q&A. Everybody welcome. Suitable for all levels of experience.

Cost: $15 suggested donation

Included with Membership
No one turned away for lack of funds

Classes include guided meditation, teaching, and time for Q&A.


Mahamudra Kadampa Meditation Center
500 6th St, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254


Gen Kelsang Tsoglam

Resident Teacher of Mahamudra Kadampa Meditation Center

Gen Tsoglam is an ordained Kadampa Buddhist nun and close disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. She has been practicing and teaching under his guidance for over 20 years. Her teachings are heartfelt, practical, and presented with warmth, humor and joy.

Previously, Gen Tsoglam was the Resident Teacher at several Kadampa Centers around the US. She has engaged in numerous meditation retreats, as well as teaching and skilfully guiding many retreats.

Gen Tsoglam teaches in Hermosa Beach on Sunday Mornings, Tuesday Evenings, and Wednesday Mid-day, on Thursday Evenings in El Segundo, Saturday retreats and special events throughout the year, as well as the Foundation and Teacher Training Programs.

Visit Us

500 6th St
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

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(310) 848-9680

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