
About Meditation


Find more peace, positivity, and joy in life, whatever your circumstances.

By practicing meditation we become more familiar with positive and beneficial ways of thinking, and reduce our negative minds. Our practice also brings us more clarity and confidence. Anyone can learn to meditate, it's just a new skill.

Buddha's timeless wisdom provides practical methods for quieting the mind. We can find meaning within the busy-ness of daily life, as well as effective ways of navigating the many problems in our world. 

No special clothing is needed. We have comfortable chairs for meditation. Most classes begin with guided meditation, so please try to arrive a few minutes early to settle in. You may want to bring a notebook to jot things down.

Weekly Classes

We have several of weekly drop-in classes, which are suitable for everyone. They include guided meditation, practical teachings, Q&A and discussion. 

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Weekend Events

Special courses and mini-retreats give you a taste of meditation and Buddha's timeless wisdom. Suitable for newcomers and those with some experience.

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Become a Member

Membership is a cost effective way to take full advantage of classes. We're a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the development of world peace.

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Be positive

Learn how to be realistically positive

Be peaceful

Find inner peace in a turbulent world

Be happy

Find joy in everyday life

Weekly Drop-in Classes  

Suitable for all levels
11:00am - 12:15pm
with Gen Tsoglam
12:15 - 12:45pm
with Keith Holmes
7:00 - 8:15pm
with Gen Tsoglam
12:00 - 1:00pm
with Gen Tsoglam
with Nick Ploplys
New Venue Coming Soon!
with Gen Tsoglam 
On Break for Summer
with Crista Riccio
Coming Soon ...
with Gen Tsoglam

Upcoming Events & Retreats

Mini Retreat

Half Day of Silence

Saturday, August 3rd | 10:00am - 1:00pm

3 sessions that include guided meditation & brief teachings. Includes quiet breaks for reading and contemplating. Appropriate for all levels.

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Heart Sutra Beach Retreat

Saturday, August 17 & Sunday, August 18 | 10am - 5pm

Gaining even a little insight of this wisdom will profoundly change our understanding of everything around us and within us.

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© 2023 Mahamudra KMC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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