
About Retreats

What is Retreat?

The Tibetan word for retreat is ‘tsam’, which means ‘stop’ or ‘make a break’. This indicates we must stop, or make a break from, our normal activities and concentrate on a particular spiritual practice. The most important thing to stop during retreat is our distractions—to stop our busy mind.

At Kadampa Meditation Center, we offer a variety of retreats to give the practitioner an opportunity to ‘take a break’ from normal activities and a distracted mind.

Day Retreats, Meditation Workshops, and Away Retreats

These retreats are offered throughout the year at the center and provide an opportunity to gain retreat experience in a quiet, peaceful environment. We offer meditation retreats that range from half-day retreats on Saturdays, to full weekends, to away retreats during which we stay at a retreat center in the mountains. These relaxing and profound retreats help us create the space to more deeply contemplate and meditate on specific teachings.

Upcoming Retreats & Special Events

What are the Preliminary Guide Retreats?

Preliminary Guide Retreats are held every year at the center. They are usually a week in length, four sessions a day, and allow people to gain deeper experience of a particular practice. They are an integral part of the Teacher Training Program (TTP), but are also open to everyone. You may attend any number of sessions. Preliminary Guide Retreats include the following: 

  • Refuge Retreat
  • Guru Yoga Mandala Offering Retreat
  • Vajrasattva Purification Retreat
Visit Our Preliminary Guide Page

Upcoming Events & Retreats

Coping with Uncertainty

Mini Retreat

Coping with Uncertainty

Saturday, March 22 | 10:00am - 1:00pm

In this course we will explore how to not only cope with, but use adverse conditions as an opportunity for introspection and transformation. 

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Saturday Event

Open House

Saturday, March 15 | 12:00pm - 2:00pm

Enjoy refreshments, sample a breathing meditation, and meet others interested in meditation.

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Stories of Buddhist Masters

Food for Thought

Stories of Buddhist Masters

Friday, March 21 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Before they became the ​​renowned ​Buddhist ​practitioners we revere and emulate, they had the same problems as we do!

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True Healing

Blessing Empowerment of Medicine Buddha

Saturday, March 29 | 10:00am - 4:30pm

An empowerment is a blissful guided meditation where we receive special blessings of an enlightened being. Medicine Buddha embodies the healing power of all enlightened beings to free us from inner and outer sickness.

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