
Sacred Sound

Mini Retreat

Saturday, December 14th | 10:00am - 1:00pm

with Resident Teacher Kadam Gerry Donovan

There are many ways to connect with enlightened beings and tap into their beneficial qualities, such as wisdom and compassion. We can make this connection through images as well as through sacred sounds known as mantras.

Mantra means “mind protection” and reciting them can bring inner peace, healing, and a sense of protection. They are also a way to bring benefit to others who are suffering.

Join us as we learn how to incorporate this simple, powerful form of practice into our daily lives.

Includes teaching and guided meditation. No previous experience is necessary. Everybody welcome!

Saturday, December 14th 

10:00 am - 1:00 pm
register now

Cost: $25

Everybody Welcome!


Mahamudra Kadampa Meditation Center
500 6th St, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

Kadam Gerry Donovan

Resident Teacher of Mahamudra Kadampa Meditation Center

Kadam Gerry has been practicing under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche since 2006. He has studied for many years in the Foundation and Teacher Training Programs and completed the six month intensive teacher training program at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre in England. Kadam Gerry has served as Admin Director and taught for many years in New Bedford, MA and Providence, RI.

He has personally felt the great benefit of dharma practice in his own life and gives accessible teachings in a lighthearted way.

Kadam Gerry teaches Sunday Morning, Tuesday Evening, Wednesday Mid-Day, Saturday mini-retreats as well as our more in-depth study classes; Foundation Program and Teacher Training Program. He also guides FP and TTP Retreats and Special Events throughout the year.

Visit Us

500 6th St
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

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(310) 848-9680

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with Kadam Gerry

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